
The ROS Letter is OTK’s Letter of Betrayal

Chua Soi Lek before the EGM that “OTK is the Mother of Nonsense, Grandfather of All Lies”

During the briefing at Corus Hotel by Chua Soi Lek on the night of October 9, 2009 before the 10/10 EGM, he hit on a few truths about OTK.

On 15/10 during the first central committee meeting following the 10/10 EGM, the central committee using the powers granted to them under Articles 23, 40 and 174 that it was up to the central committee to interpret the results of the EGM. It is also within the power of the CC to decide on vacancy of the Deputy President.
Liow Tiong Lai was elected on 15/10 by more than 2/3 of the CC. His name was proposed by Gan Ping Sieu, an elected CC member.
33 members of the CC supported the proposal that the post of deputy president. 2 members of the CC abstained and among them was Ong Tee Keat. 6 objected for various reasons. Most of the 6 were, as expected, Chua Soi Lek’s hardcore supporters like Tan Chai Ho, Loh Seng Kok and Tee Siew Kiong.

The Legal Bureau chief then, Datuk Leong Tang Chong, said that under Article 174, it is up to the CC to interpret its own constitution and there was no need to involve the Registrar of Societies (ROS). Under Article 18 of the Societies Act, it states that it is up to party to interpret its own fate.

“We should not submit our party’s fate to the ROS”, said Leong TC during the CC meeting. ( Now we know why he was sacked immediately after that meeting)

But OTK went ahead and wrote a letter to ROS.

An anonymous letter to the Sin Chew Daily last night is self explanatory. It has revealed that he actually wrote the letter under the MCA letterhead and signed it personally by his own hand.

1. OTK is the President of the MCA and the Chairman of the Central Committee meeting. He did not object to the appointment of Liow Tiong Lai. He merely abstained from voting him him. Now he says he objects to LTL as Deputy President. If at all he had objected, he should not have abstained.

2. As the Chairman of the meeting, he ignored wishes of the Central Committee by writing to the ROS (See attachment). During the November 3 central committee meeting, OTK vehemently denied that he ever wrote anything to ROS by saying that he was only approached by ROS -“verbally”. He said that he “categorically denied in toto” that anything of that sort transpired. He said he was merely “feeding information to them” as a feedback to ROS’ queries.

CSL is right; OTK is the Grandfather of All Lies!!
OTK is a man with no integrity. He lives in a denial syndrome. He calls everyone around his betrayers. Chua Soi Lek should call is him Mother of All Betrayers!!

He has acted on his own accord to decide on matters affecting the party without the consensus. He even goes against the decisions of the central committee.

We are rightfully damn angry with this idiot of a President. Not only has he given our party assets to a non-party member to a man called Clement Heee. He also lies to us - all the BLOODY time.

Today, he has subjected our party’s fate to the interpretation and the hands of the authorities when it is clearly stated that the interpretation of the Party Constitution is suppose to be in the hands of the party.

Why has OTK shame us??? For his own power and greed to lay his hands on our assets!

Call for fresh elections to REPLACE this bastard!

1 条评论:

  1. Piss off OTK and CSL! Both of you are the real trouble makers and sons of mother fxxks!
